We love Ukuleles!

Welcome to Basic Ukulele, where we share our passion and knowledge for the Ukulele with you. We aim to provide you with the best and most relevant information about this amazing instrument. You can find topics such as tips, types, tricks, tuning, strings, chords, progressions, strumming, chunking, scales, beginner/easy/good/popular songs, cheap ukulele, left handed ukulele, history and more.

You can follow our Facebook page to get the latest updates from our website. Please like and share our page with your friends.

You can also join our Facebook group, Ukulele lovers, where you can interact with other readers and share your experiences and tips about the Ukulele. We hope this group will complement our website and offer you more value. We hope this will be a friendly and lively Facebook group for Ukulele lovers from all over the world. If you join, please contribute to make it nice and popular. Like and share!


Why is Basic Ukulele the best site for finding information about the Ukulele?

One of the advantages of our site is that we don’t have any products or services to sell. We don’t have our own YouTube channel or online courses. This means that we can share with you a variety of resources and videos from the internet from different experts, and not be limited by our own perspective. We think this is a great feature of our website – this freedom of giving you the best information possible related to the Ukulele. If we had our own channel or course, we would only promote our own view and not the diversity.

Ukulele playing

What will you find at the website?

On our website you will find all about the instrument, and all around it. This includes the history and articles about the different types. It is for beginners and for those that are better at handling the instrument. We think the articles cover the most, and are for all Ukulele fans.

We have also added five articles about songs for the instrument and how to play them. Regarding songs, for beginners we advise to start with the first article, and take it from there.

By the way, our most popular post is about the song “Somewhere Over The Rainbow”.

We will try to make it as informative as possible and give you tips about this wonderful instrument, and how to play it. We have also some links to good sites for helping you out, and included some very nice or instructive videos from YouTube. YouTube is a great place for learning to play, but our site will take you through the whole instrument.

The Ukulele

When someone talks about the Ukulele we often picture a small instrument like a toy. But that is not the truth. It is no toy, and it is several types. From small to big and in all sound ranges. This can be a cheap instrument or a very expensive, so it is an instrument for all.

The development of this instrument is still going on.

The ukulele is also an instrument that is constantly evolving and improving. New designs and features are being introduced to make it more appealing and accessible. The ukulele is not only a musical instrument, but also a cultural icon and a source of joy.

Please go to our About page for more information! There you also find a list over the different articles/posts and links to them.

Basic Ukulele - all about Ukulele https://basicukulele.com/home/

The Basic Ukulele Team sincerely hope that our website can give you inspiration for playing this fun and fantastic instrument!