First of all, Ukulele tricks are a nice thing to know. Why? It can make your playing something to remember for your audience, and it’s also a lot of fun to do the tricks and add some variety to your musical expression.

You will probably be considered an outstanding Ukulele player!

Some of the tricks are easy to learn and some you have to practice a lot to master. Anyway, if you know some tricks it can cover up some losses in your skills, or if you’re really good, it will bring your playing to a new level.

Also, Ukulele tricks are for all types of Ukuleles.

The Chunking techniquehas its own post!

You can find several more of tricks on the internet for scaling up your Ukulele playing. We have some particularly relevant examples here in this post.

Ukulele tricks

Three tricks for Ukulele Showboating by Peter Forrest:

Peter Forrest has some good tricks that you maybe find easy to learn, and probably they give you a flying start.

  1. Finger 8

  2. Spammy Whammy

  3. Flippin´ the Bird

Drumbeat Technique:

James Hill is amazing. He takes the Ukulele playing to a new fun level on an acoustic/electric Ukulele(#Ad).

James Hill is a Canadian classically trained musician who has focused on the ukulele, both as his primary instrument and as a method of music instruction for school children. He earned a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of British Columbia. He is also the founder of, home to unique ukulele courses like Ukulele Jazz, UkuleleX, The Ukulele Way, Booster Uke and the JHUI Teacher Certification Program.

We will show you two really amazing videos he has on YouTube below.

Here is one of them:

And another with Chopsticks and a Comb 🙂

Here you have a good old one 🙂

As an American musician who was skilled on the banjo, guitar, and ukulele, Leroy Smeck earned the nickname The Wizard of the Strings.


Chord-Melody is playing melody and chords at the same time. Not the easiest, but if you’ve been playing the ukulele for a while, try it out.

If you’re looking for Chord-Melody tutorials, here’s one of two parts by James Hill, with a simple example. He also shows us Strum-Pick-Strum-Pick technique where you only strum on the 1st and 3rd beats, and Pick-Strum-Pick-Strum where you strum on the 2nd and 4th beats.

Natural, Pinch (artificial) and Slap/tap harmonics.

Amos Lim have a video about this tree Harmonics.

Jussi Ukulele´s Tapping technique:

And Pick, Strum and Slap:

Other Tricks

Triplet Strum: Picture a rhythm that rolls off your ukulele, creating a unique, syncopated beat. This is the Triplet Strum, a rhythmic pattern that involves playing three strokes in the time of two.

Incorporating Melody Notes: Imagine weaving melody notes into your strumming or fingerpicking patterns. This technique can add a new layer of depth to your music, making it more dynamic and engaging.

Enhancing Tone and Crispness: Consider the difference that a clear, crisp tone can make to your ukulele sound. Techniques to improve tone could include tips on holding the ukulele, where to strum, and how to adjust your strumming for the best sound. (Read about clearly strumming in the post about Strumming.)

Power Chords: Envision adding a punchy, rock ‘n’ roll vibe to your ukulele playing with Power Chords. These two-note chords are simple to play and can be moved up and down the neck to change keys easily.

Palm Muting: Think about creating a muted, percussive sound by resting the side of your strumming hand lightly against the strings near the bridge of your ukulele. This technique can add rhythm and variety to your playing. (Read about muting/chunking at the link.)

Remember, the secret to mastering these tricks lies in practice. The more you practice, the more these techniques will become second nature, allowing you to incorporate them fluidly into your playing. Enjoy your musical journey! 🎶

A bit more about Power Chords

Imagine the raw energy of rock and metal music. At the heart of this energy, you’ll often find power chords. These are simple, two-note chords, consisting of the root and the fifth. This simplicity is what gives power chords their versatility and power.

Take, for example, a C power chord, or C5. It’s composed of just two notes: C and G. You can find the fifth of any note by moving up seven frets. So, if you strum the G and C strings at the same fret, you’ll get an F5 chord.

But power chords aren’t just about simplicity. They’re also about depth. By doubling the notes on other strings, you can add a richness to your power chords. For instance, you can find the notes C and G (the components of a C5 chord) on the third fret of the E and A strings.

Power chords have been the backbone of many iconic rock riffs. Think of songs like “Iron Man” by Black Sabbath, “Back in Black” by AC/DC, or “Holiday” by Green Day. All these songs heavily feature power chords.

Creating a power chord from scratch on your ukulele involves identifying the 1 and 5 notes in a major scale. In a C major scale, these notes would be C (1) and G (5). You can arrange these notes in any combination to create the sound of a power chord on your ukulele.

While power chords might not sound as robust on a ukulele as they do on a guitar due to the ukulele’s limited range, they can still add a punchy vibe to your playing. So, why not give power chords a try and see how they can enhance your ukulele music?

How to end a song.


If you have more suggestions for tricks, let us know. You can also use our Facebook group for sharing.

Please note:

Basic Ukulele is an independent website that does not have any sponsors. The only way we earn some money to keep the website running is by getting clicks on Google ads in our posts. We appreciate every click you make on our ads and express our gratitude for your support. Thank you!
(We do not own the advertising in the videos.)

Finally, Basic Ukulele was founded in 2015 with the aim of making it easier for anyone who wants to learn or find out more about this wonderful instrument.