Ukulele Chord Progressions

Ukulele chord progressions are something you need to learn. They are fun, enjoyable to listen to, and they make you sound like a good ukulele player. Even if you’re not.

However, if you are good, you can always learn something new. So, this search for new and good-sounding progressions will never stop.

Ukulele chord progressions are the backbone of any song. They create the harmony and mood that you and your listeners can enjoy. Whether you are a beginner or a good ukulele player, we have some tips for you on how to master them. You can read them below and start practicing right away.

What are Ukulele progressions?

When you play ukulele chord progressions, you switch from one chord to another and then repeat the sequence. Usually, you use 3 or 4 chords. These progressions sound great when you play them over and over. You can also apply them to different songs. Some songs use the same progression throughout. For example, La Bamba uses the progression C – F – G7.

Ukulele Chords Progressions on music


In which order shall I learn the Ukulele chord progressions?

First of all, you can start with this because it is easy and useful:

C – F – G7

Ukulele Chords Progressions: C F G7


Then you can try:

A – D – A – E7

Ukulele Chords Progressions: A D A E7

D – G – D – A7

Ukulele Chords Progressions: D G D A7 (2)

C – Am – F – G7

Ukulele Chords Progressions: C Am F G7 (2)

Am – Dm – Am – E7 (This progession is very nice!)

Ukulele Chords Progressions: Am Dm Am E7

Dm –I’ve read that some people also call this the saddest chord on the Ukulele:

Dm – A7 – Dm – Gm – Dm – A7 – Dm – A7

Ukulele Chords Progressions: Dm A7 Gm

Tips for finding Ukulele chord progressions

You can also explore other great ukulele sites on the web to find more good progressions. There are many of them out there.

Besides the ones above, learn some different progressions and have fun. It’s very relaxing to just play some progressions on the ukulele and let your mind wander.

If you want to learn more progressions, you can visit some of these websites. You can also find documents with chords that you can print here:

Bytown Ukulele Group


Chords C-tuned ukulele
Ukulele Progressions

Poster Chords GCEA

Circle Of Fifths.

What is the Circle Of Fifths? Well, you can think of it as a musical road map. The Circle Of Fifths is a way to represent the relationship between the 12 tones found in western music.

  • You can use the Circle as is to immediately tell you what chords go well together in any specific Key.
  • You can use the Circle as a transposing tool.

Circle of Fifths

Let’s dive into Circle of Fifths.

The Circle of Fifths is a fundamental concept in music theory, and it’s incredibly useful for ukulele players.

Firstly, the Circle of Fifths is a visual representation of the relationships among the 12 tones of the chromatic scale. It’s called the “Circle of Fifths” because each note is a perfect fifth apart from the next.

Now, let’s look at how it works. Imagine a clock face, but instead of numbers, we have notes. At the top of the circle, we have the C note. Moving clockwise, the next note is G, which is a fifth above C. If we move counterclockwise from C, we find F, which is a fourth above C. This pattern continues around the circle.

So, why is this useful for ukulele players? Well, the Circle of Fifths can help you understand key signatures, find the key of a song, and even write your own music. For example, if you’re playing in the key of C and you want to know which chords will sound good together, you can look at the Circle of Fifths. The chords that are next to each other on the circle will generally sound harmonious when played together.

Moreover, the Circle of Fifths is a great tool for understanding chord progressions. A common progression is the I-IV-V progression. In the key of C, this would be C (I), F (IV), and G (V). You can find these chords on the Circle of Fifths.

In conclusion, the Circle of Fifths is a powerful tool for understanding the relationships between notes and chords, making it easier to learn new songs, write your own music, and improvise on the ukulele. So, don’t hesitate to explore it and incorporate it into your ukulele practice.

Some more information at these links:

The Circle Of Fifths theory. (Pdf) and the explanation.

Baritone Circle Of Fifths.

Amazon Circle of Fifths

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Finally, Basic Ukulele was founded in 2015 with the aim of making it easier for anyone who wants to learn or find out more about this wonderful instrument.

Yes, we love the Ukulele!